National Bioethics Advisory Commission

The National Bioethics Advisory Commission was the name of a United States governmental organization which existed from 1996-2001.


In 1999 the NBAC issued a report containing 23 recommendations on the governance of biobanks.[1] Other work during its existence was the creation of 120 recommendations on bioethics issues human cloning, research involving mental vulnerable persons, research with human biological specimens, stem cell research, clinical trials in developing countries but sponsored by the United States, and privacy for research participants.[2]


  1. ^ Haga, S.; Beskow, L. (2008). Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Biobanks for Genetics Research. "Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits". Advances in genetics. Advances in Genetics 60: 505–544. doi:10.1016/S0065-2660(07)00418-X. ISBN 9780123738837. PMID 18358331.  edit
  2. ^ Eiseman, Elisa (2003). The National Bioethics Advisory Commission : contributing to public policy. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. ISBN 0-8330-3364-6. 

External link

archived site